energetics of now


A lot has happened since I was last in your inbox. I’ve been all over the place with my emotions during this time of quarantine as well as readjusting to how radically different my life is now, I'm sure you're experiencing something similar as well. Below are some insights about how I see this quarantine affecting the energetic system.

1st chakra: feelings of suspicion and or unsettled in your home and in the community. Perhaps having strong, righteous beliefs about how / when people should stay home or what is the right way to respond to this. You may also be noticing that your home is so much messier and it is hard to find order.

2nd chakra: feeling like your emotions are coming in and out with a crashing of a wave. Gratitude / fear / rage / hope can make you feel like you’re in a tug a war with yourself. Finding yourself wanting to have contact with others and yet not.

3rd chakra: for some this may be a spot where to experience the anxiety of the uncertainty or a loss of power. Your sense of who you are doesn’t look at all like it did a month ago. Loss of income or fear of the loss of income could be shaking this chakra. You may find you struggle to find the will power to accomplish tasks that previously weren’t difficult, paying bills, returning emails, etc.

4th chakra: feeling that need to connect, recognizing that you want to see others and be seen by those you care about. I have talked more on the phone or zoomed, etc. than I would have ever thought possible. Recently I accidentally facetimed a friend and I was like – wow –it’s so good to see you. Then our kids hopped on and they were so excited to see their friends and I was like –we humans need to be in contact with others. Anxiety is also often experienced here – tight chest, feeling held back. Fear might cause us to question every sneeze, cough or headache and amp up any nagging fear about our health or relationships.

5th chakra: many people are experiencing a huge shift in their careers and this seems to lead to more irritated speech. Saying snippy comments or being short with people or swearing more than you normally might. You may also note that your shoulders are tighter or having more neck pain from the stress.

6th chakra: the lack of being able to carry out tasks you’d like to. It seems our pace is off, it’s like we’re out of step with our schedule. Wait, what is our schedule? We don’t know what our normal is and we don’t have the resources to execute in the same way.

7th chakra: feeling like you’re alone and unclear of your purpose. Feeling angry that it feels like no one can give us an answer when life and resume as it had. Also, a sense of dissociation, checking out or depression.

I found this article to be so calming, here’s a snippet: “Being able over the course of the day to track your own resources will help you know how to spend them.”

If you need energetic support to bring in a sense of calm or a boost to your immune system at this time, I am available for distance sessions.

If you are a healthcare worker or have lost your income due to this crisis, I’d like to offer you a complimentary healing.

Stay safe & take care ~ Kim